
 "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde

performed by The English Theatre Group Lübeck


 Thanks to our wonderful audience.

We enjoyed our last show of "Earnest" on March 27th 2018 very much!




The English Theatre Group Lübeck




Oscar Wilde's ingenious comedy

The Importance of Being Earnest“




A british comedy from the 19th century, with teatime tables, butlers, beautiful costumes and historical stage design, brought to you by Lübeck's first english speaking theatre group.


Gentleman Jack has invented a missbehaving younger brother, Ernest, whose identity he assumes whenever he is leading a life full of amusements in London. „My name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country.“


And Algernon has invented poor Mr. Bunbury, with his terrible health, who requires Algernon's imediate presence, whenever he is really engaged to dine with Aunt Augusta. „I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury.“


But then, there are two admirable young ladies, Gwendolen and Cecily, who only want to marry a man who is called Ernest. „The Moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you.“


And the great game of love, truth and deceit is on!









The English Theatre Group Lübeck



Oscar Wildes unvergleichliche Komödie


The Importance of Being Earnest


- jetzt im Original auf Englisch, in Lübeck! -



Über das Stück

Eine very britische Komödie aus dem England des 19. Jahrhunderts.


Um tun und lassen zu können, wonach ihm gerade ist, gibt sich der sonst so anständige Jack als sein eigener missratener Bruder Ernest aus, wann immer er sich in der großen Stadt London herumtreibt.

My name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country.“


Und Algernon gibt vor, sich um seinen schrecklich kranken Freund Bunbury kümmern zu müssen, wann immer er sich vor seinen familiären Verpflichtungen drücken will, z. B. einem Abendessen bei Tante Augusta.

I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury.“


So weit so gut. Wären da nicht die reizenden jungen Damen Gwendolen und Cecily, die den beiden Herren das Leben schwer machen. Die Damen behaupten nämlich allen Ernstes, nur einen Mann heiraten zu können, der Ernest heißt.

The Moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you.“


Ein grandioses Spiel um die Liebe beginnt, um Wahrheit und Betrug!